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Publications and Research

Senapati, D., Mahajan, I., & Mukherjee, S. (2020, December). Selective aversion for Artificial Intelligence: Domain specificity and perceived understanding influences algorithm aversion. Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2020. [Poster]

Part of a research team that analyzed the influence of task and domain specificity on the perception of algorithm aversion and presented a poster on these findings in the Annual Conference of Judgement and Decision Making.

Read the poster here.

Mahajan, I., Mukherjee, S., & Senapati, D. (n.d.). Towards Behavioral AI: The behavioral science about Artificial Intelligence algorithms and key considerations regarding public acceptability. In Mukherjee, S., Dutt, V., & Srinivasan, N. (Eds.), Applied cognitive science and technology: Implications of interactions between human cognition and technology. Springer Nature [Accepted for Publication]

Part of a three-member team that compiled a research chapter that analyzed the integration of artificially intelligent systems into public policy and its impact on social perception and acceptance.

Asif, A. & Mahajan, I. (2021). Mapping solitude: An exploratory study of the concept of solitude in a hyper-connected modern world. Confluence: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5

Worked on an exploratory research project that looked at the integration of philosophy, psychology, and technology and explored the modern conception of solitude in an age of hyperconnected social media and society.

Read the paper here.

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